Lockers are provided on a first paid basis. Once payment is made, the club manager will assign and track locker usage. Should you pay and there no lockers available, you will be refunded.
Existing locker renewals are available until October 31st. Lockers not paid for by this time will be made available to any FRCC curler wishing to rent one for the season. New locker rentals will be offered based on availability prior to October 31st, with further inventory available post the October 31st renewal deadline.
NOTE : Please put your lock on your locker at your first opportunity to avoid misunderstandings. Thank you !
750 Daly St. S.
Winnipeg, Manitoba , Canada
R3L 2N2
Phone: (204) 475-0888
Fax: (204) 475-8487
The Fort Rouge has six sheets of ice in a modern, well maintained building. We have both female and male change rooms for your convenience. Ample parking is available in our large, well lit lot and the surrounding side streets. Our main floor and washroom is wheel chair accessible. Casual rental of ice for a draw or a mini bonspiel are available by contacting our Club Manager for details.