Fort Rouge’s Stick Curling population continues to expand. The Wednesday and Friday 2-person Stick leagues now number a total of 42 teams, playing at 12:45PM and 2PM.
We have openings for a single team at 12:45 each day to fill all six sheets on those draw times and we have two team spaces available at 2pm each day.
If you are interested either as a two-person team or as a curler looking for a partner, contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
The leagues include a mix of players – playing a unique one-hour game. We have a range of skill levels from novices on up to pretty competitive. We have stick curlers who play only stick league and we have curlers who play mostly four’s leagues but who want an extra bit of practice to perfect their use of a delivery stick.
Some have chosen to use a delivery stick and some have acknowledged their knees just won’t let them throw anymore – either way they are staying on the ice enjoying the game they have played for many years.
A few of our group knows the time is coming when they might not be able to throw anymore and they have joined the stick league as a first step to adapt to using a stick before they have to.
Some of us are playing just for the outing, the fun, the recreation. For others, there is a very competitive stick curling scene developing with 10-12 bonspiels over the season, a new Stick Curling Tour this season, a CurlManitoba sanctioned championship with a chance to play for the ‘buffalo’ you have coveted all your life, and a national championship opportunity as well.
Recreation – competition – or both. There is a Manitoba Stick Curling Association clinic scheduled for 1PM on October 4 at Fort Rouge – advance registration would be appreciated (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) to help with planning but if you just want to drop in, that would be OK too.
Resby Coutts
League Convenor